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a Kickapoo River town

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Ordinance Index
The location of each ordinance is referenced by the 3 numbers following the subject. The first number refers to the Title, the second number the Chapter and the third number the section. For example: The ordinance that refers to the Abandoned property disposal can be found in Title 3, Chapter 4, section 2. The ordinances can be found by clicking here or looking under the Community Life menu item above and choosing Village Ordinances.
Abandoned property
Disposal of, 3-4-2
Abandoned refrigerators
Prohibited, 11-3-3
Abandoned vehicles
Conflict with other code provisions, 10-5-7
Disposal of abandoned vehicles, 10-5-4
Junked vehicles or appliances on private property, 10-5-8
Owner responsible for costs. 10-5-6
Removal and impoundment, 1-5-2, 10-5-3
Report of sale or disposal, 10-5-5
Violations, 10-5-1
Accessory uses and structures
Regulation of, 13-4-140 through 13-1-143
Administrative determinations, review of
Statutory procedures adopted 4-1-1 through 4-1-13
Air guns
Carrying or discharge in village, 11-2-1
Alarm systems
Regulation of private systems, 5-4-1 through 5-4-12
Alcoholic beverages see also operator's licenses
Application for license, 7-2-6
Approval of application, 7-2-29
Classes of licenses, 7-2-4
Closing hours, 7-2-15
Conditions of license, 7-2-14
Definitions, 7-2-2
Fees, 7-2-5
Granting of license,7-2-10
Investigation, 7-2-8
License required, 7-2-3
Non-alcohol events of licensed premises, 7-2-18
Numbering and expiration of license, 7-2-12
Posting of licenses, 7-2-13
Qualifications of applicant, 7-2-7
Restrictions on licenses, 7-2-14, 7-2-15
Restrictions on picnic and special event licenses, 7-2
Revocation and suspension of licenses, 7-2-17
State statutes adopted, 7-2-1
Transfer of license, 7-2-11
Beer garden license, 7-2-7-1
Alcoholic beverages, offenses involving
Adult permitting underage violation, 11-4-8
Defense of sellers, 11-4-1
Persons who have altered identification cards, 11-4-6
Possession of alcoholic beverages on school grounds, 11-4-7
Sale to underage or intoxicated persons, 11-4-2, 11-4-4
Solicitation of drinks prohibited, 11-4-9
Underage persons' presence in places of sale, 11-4-3
All-terrain vehicles and off-road vehicle operation; see also snowmobiles
State laws adopted, 10-4-1
Unauthorized operation on public or private property, 10-4-2
Animal feces, 7-1-10
Barking dogs or crying cats, 7-1-12
Bites, duty in case of, 7-1-8
Cruelty to prohibited, 7-1-18
Dog licenses required, 7-1-1
Food and drink for animals, 7-1-15
Injury to property by dog or cat, 7-1-11
Impoundment of dogs, 7-1-7
Issuance of dog licenses, 7-1, 7-1-3
Kennel licenses, 7-1-3
Late fees, 7-1-4
Neglected or abandoned animals, 7-1-17
Number of animals limited, 7-1-19
Penalty for failure to obtain rabies vaccination, 7-1-5
Penalties, 7-1-22
Pit bulls regulated, 7-1-9
Prohibited and protected animals, 7-1-13
Proper shelter for animals, 7-1-16
Rabies quarantine, 7-1-5
Rabies vaccination required, 7-1-2
Sale of rabbits, chicks or artificially colored animals, 7-1-14
Trapping on village lands, 7-1-20
For radio reception, 13-1-130,13-1-131
Assessments - see Special assessments
Appointment and duties, 2-3-11
Annual audits, 3-1-15
Automobiles see Traffic and parking
BB guns
Carrying or discharge in village, 11-2-1
Bed and breakfast establishments
Standards for, 13-1-71
Beer see Alcoholic beverages
Bicycles and play vehicles
Bicycle penalties, 10-2-6, 10-2-7
Bicycle regulations, 10-2-2, 10-2-3, 10-2-5
Penalties, 10-2-6
Regulation of skateboards, roller skates and roller skis, 10-2-4
Bidding procedures
Procedures for, 3-1-12, 3-1-13
Board of appeals
Composition and duties, 2-4-2
Procedures for appeals and variances, 13-1-190 through 13-1-194
Board of Review
Composition , 2-4-1(a)
Duties, 2-4-1(c)
Meetings, 2-4-1(d)
Boards and commissions, general requirements
Meeting notice requirements, 2-4-7
Residency required for service, 2-4-8
Rules for procedure, 2-4-9
Regulation of, 12-1-6
Building code see also Construction site erosion control
Basements and excavations, 15-1-10
Building codes and permits, 15-1-1, 15-1-2
Clear water discharge, 15-1-11
Code compliance upon change of ownership, 15-1-15
Construction standards, 15-1-4
Disclaimer on inspections, 15-1-7
Duplex service connections, 15-1-12
Fees, 15-1-19
Garages, 15-1-8
Junk storage, 15-1-18
Moving of buildings, 15-1-13
New methods and materials, 15-1-5
Penalties, 15-1-17
Razing buildings, 15-1-9
State uniform code adopted, 15-1-3
Unsafe buildings, 15-1-6
Open burning regulations, 5-2-9
Outdoor heating devices, 5-2-11
Cats see Animals
Cemetery Regulations
Restrictions, 11-3-5
Certified surveys see Subdivision Regulations
Checks, worthless
Issuance of, 11-3-8
Chief of police
Appointment and duties, 2-3-7, 5-1-2, 5-1-4, 5-1-5, 5-1-6, 5-1-7
Retailer's licenses, 7-3-1
Citations, use of
Authorization for, 1-2-1
Citation form, 1-2-3
Officials authorized to issue, 1-2-2
Procedure, 1-2-6
Receipt of cash deposit, 1-2-5
Schedule of, 1-2-4
Clerk see Village clerk; Deputy clerk
Code of ordinances see ordinances, code of
Standards for, 8-1-9
Concealed weapons
Prohibited, 11-2-2
Conditional uses
Procedures and standards for, 13-1-60, through 13-1-72
Construction site erosion control
See index at start of Title 15, Chapter 2
Controlled substances
Regulation of, 11-2-11
Cooperative arrangements
Authority to enter into, 2-2-7
Cross connection control
Regulations, 9-1-54
Village requirements for, 6-3-2
Established for juveniles, 11-5-1
In public places, 11-2-8(b)
Designated, 3-1-6
Deputy clerk
Appointment and duties, 2-3-5
Developments see subdivisions
Direct sellers see transient merchants
Director of public works
Appointment and duties, 2-3-10
Ditches, public
Obstruction of , 6-2-12
Procedures, 3-1-8
Disorderly conduct
Regulated, 11-2-8
Incorporation into code by reference, maintenance and availability of copies, 1-1-7
Dogs and cats see animals
Door-to-door salesmen see transient merchants
Location and design requirements, 6-3-2
Permit required, 6-3-1
Drug paraphernalia
Prohibited, 11-5-6
Possession of drug paraphernalia, 11-2-16
Election officials, 2-1-3
Election times, 2-1-2
Nomination of village officials, 2-1-4
Electric utility regulations and rates
See index at start of Title 9, Chapter 3
Electrical code see building code
Advisory opinions, 2-5-8
Conflict of interest, 2-5-7
Dedicated service, 2-5-5
Definitions, 2-5-2
Fair and equal treatment, 2-5-6
Hiring relations, 2-5-9
Outside employment, 2-5-11
Responsibility of public office, 2-5-4
Sanctions. 2-5-10
Statement of purpose, 2-5-1
Statutory standards of conduct, 2-5-3
Explosive devises see also nonmetallic mining regulations
Regulation of, 11-2-1(e)
Fair housing
Definitions, 15-3-2
Enforcement, 15-3-5
Exemptions, 15-3-4
Unlawful practices, 15-3-3
Feces, animal
Removal of, 7-1-9
Regulation of, 13-1-142
Finance see also special assessment procedures
Accounts receivable billing procedures, 3-1-14
Audits, 2-3-3, 3-1-15
Bidding procedures, 3-1-12, 3-1-13
Budget process
budget, 3-1-3
changes in budget, 3-1-4
funds to be spent in accordance with budget, 3-1-5
Claims against village, 3-1-8
Delinquent utility bills, 3-1-17
Duplicate treasurer's bond eliminated, 3-1-2
Fiscal year, 3-1-6
Investment of funds, 3-1-9
Liability of village for acts of agents, 3-1-16
Public depositories, 3-1-7
Receipt for monies received, 3-1-10
Statement of real property status, 3-1-11
Tax roll preparation, 3-1-1
Fire chief
Appointment and duties, 2-3-8
Fire department see also fire chief; fire prevention code
Adoption of codes, 5-3-1
Damaging fire hose prohibited, 5-2-4
Duty of bystanders to assist, 5-2-6
Entering adjacent property, 5-2-5
Fire department organization, 5-2-1
Impeding fire equipment prohibited, 5-2-2
Interference with use of hydrants, 5-2-8
Open burning, 5-2-9
Organization of department, 5-2-1
Police power of fire department, 5-2-3
Rules governing fire department, 5-2-1
Vehicles to yield right-of-way, 5-2-7
Water-related fire protection services, 5-2-10
Fire prevention code
Adoption of state codes, 5-3-1
Disclosure of hazardous materials, 5-3-2
Recovery of cost of extinguishing hazardous material fires, 5-3-3
Water-related fire protection services, 5-2-10
Carrying or discharge in village, 11-2-1, 11-2-2
Safe transportation of, 11-2-3
Outside storage of, 13-1-141
Restrictions and permits for displays, 7-6-1, 11-2-4
Regulation of unauthorized, 11-2-15
Construction standards for, 15-1-8
General penalty
For code of ordinances, 1-1-6
Alteration of, 6-1-2
Establishment of, 6-1-1
Grades of underground utilities, 6-1-3
Carrying or discharge in village, 11-2-1, 11-2-2
Safe transportation of, 11-2-3
Handicapped access
Grievances regarding access (ADA compliance), 15-4-1
Prohibited, 11-2-13
Hazardous materials
Disclosure of, 5-3-2
Recovery of cleanup costs, 5-3-3
Health and sanitation
Composting regulations, 8-1-10
Compulsory connection to sewer and water, 8-1-17
Control of lawns, weeds and grasses, 8-1-4, 8-1-5, 8-1-6
Deposit of deleterious substances prohibited, 8-1-3
Health nuisances, 8-1-2
Rodent control, 8-1-9
Rules and regulations, 8-1-1
Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) code see building code
Home occupations
Regulation of, 13-1-72
Housing authority
Appointment and duties, 2-4-5
Restrictions within village, 11-2-1(b)
Shooting into village limits, 11-2-1(c)
Sidewalks, removal from, owner's responsibility and liability, 6-2-7
Village, 2-1-1
Intergovernmental cooperation
Authorized, 2-2-6
Intoxicating liquor see alcoholic beverages
Itinerant merchants see transient merchants
Junk and junked vehicles
Prohibited on private property. 8-1-8, 10-5-8
Curfew, 11-5-1
Enforcement and penalties, 11-5-10
Juvenile Dispositions and sanctions in Municipal Court, 11-5-5-1
Petty theft by, 11-5-3
Possession of controlled substances, 11-5-2
Possession of drug paraphernalia, 11-5-6
Receiving stolen goods, 11-5-4
Tobacco use by, 11-5-9
Truancy, 11-5-7
Unlawful sheltering of minors, 11-5-8
Village jurisdiction of, 11-5-5
Licensing and regulation of, 7-1-3(b)
Law enforcement see police department
Lawful order
Failure to obey, 11-2-10
Length of, 8-1-4, 8-1-5, 8-1-6
Library Board
Appointment and duties, 2-4-6
Library material
Theft of, 11-3-4
Licensing process
Appeals of license denial, 7-9-1
Payment of taxes, 7-9-1
Liquor see alcoholic beverages
Prohibited, 11-3-2
Prohibited, 11-2-6
Lost property
Disposal of, 3-4-2
Prohibitions on, 11-2-11
Meetings, open
Committee meeting notice, 2-4-7
Minutes of committee meetings, 2-4-7
Provisions for meeting notice, 2-2-11, 2-4-7
Minors see juveniles
Throwing of, 11-2-1
Mobile homes
Parking fees for non-exempt, 7-5-1
Standards for parks, 13-1-180 through 13-1-187
Natural lawns
Regulation of, 8-1-5
Loud and unnecessary prohibited, 11-2-7
Non-alcohol events
On licensed premises, 7/2/18
Nonconforming uses, zoning
Under zoning code, 13-1-80 through 13-1-83
Nonmetallic mining regulations
Blasting or rock crushing, 7-8-7
Definitions, 7-8-2
Exempt activities, 7-8-4
Existing operations, 7-8-3
Permit requirements, 7-8-5
Permit revocation 7-8-6
Statuatory provisions adopted, 7-8-1
Noxious weeds
Destruction of, 8-1-4
Abatement of public nuisances, 11-6-6
Definitions, 11-6-2
Cost of abatement, 11-6-7
Enforcement and penalties, 11-6-8
Nuisances affecting health, 11-6-3
Nuisances affecting peace and safety, 11-6-5
Nuisances offending morale and decency, 11-6-4
Prohibited, 11-6-1
Unsightly junk on prop[erty, 8-1-8, 10-5-8
Oaths of office
Required, 2-3-13
Obstructing streets and sidewalks
Prohibited, 6-2-5, 11-2-5
Electronic Messaging, 11-2-17
Parties to acts, 11-1-2(b)
Penalties, 1-1-6, 11-1-2(a)
State statutes adapted. 11-1-1
Appointed officials, 2-3-2
Eligibility for office, 2-3-12
General provisions, 2-3-1
Oath of office, 2-3-13
Property, public, standards for custody of, 2-3-16
Removal from office, 2-3-15
Residency for, 2-4-8
Vacancies, temporary or permanent, filling of, 2-3-14
One and two-family dwelling building code see building code
Open burning
Outdoor Wood Burners, 5-2-11
Regulations on, 5-2-9
Opening meetings and public notice
Requirements, 2-2-11, 2-4-7
Open wells
Prohibited, 11-2-14
Operator's license see alcoholic beverages
Display, 7-2-36
Duration, 7-2-32
Fee, 7-2-33
Issuance, 7-2-34
License required, 7-2-30
Procedure for license, 7-2-31
Provisional licenses, 7-2-33
Revocation, 7-2-37
Training for, 7-2-35
Ordinances, code of; new ordinances
Code of
Citing, manner of, 1-1-1
Conflicting provisions, interpretation of, 1-1-3
Construction. rules of, 1-1-2
Definitions of terms, 1-1-2
Documents incorporated by reference,
maintenance by village clerk and availability
for inspection, 1-1-8
Effective date, 1-1-5(a)
Name, official, 1-1-1
Penalties for violations, 1-1-6
Separability of provisions, 1-1-4
Effective date of amending ordinances, 2-2-16
Effective date of code, 1-1-5(b)
General penalty for municipal code, 1-1-6, 11-1-2
Introduction of ordinances, 2-2-15
Publication of amending ordinances, 2-2-16
Repeal of, effect of, 1-1-2(9)
Parking area standards
Zoning code, 13-1-90 through 13-1-95
Parking see traffic and parking
Parks and recreation regulations
Camping in parks, 12-1-2(b)(26)
Glass bottles in, 12-1-2(b)(12)
Park equipment removal, 12-1-2(b)(5)
Park hours, 12-1-4
Radio controlled airborne toys prohibited in parks,
Reservation of park space/shelters, 12-1-5
Turf protection, 12-1-3
Parliamentary procedure
To be used for board meetings, 2-2-17
Peddlers see transient merchants
Code violations, general, 1-1-6
For offenses, 11-1-2
Carrying or discharge in village, 11-2-1, 11-2-2
Safe transportation of, 11-2-3
Plan commission
Appointment and duties, 2-4-3
Play vehicles see bicycles
Plumbing code see building code
Police department see also chief of police
Civilians to assist, 5-1-18
Fees in municipal court, 5-1-11
General powers of officers, 5-1-3
Hearing authorities for suspension or removal of
officers, 5-1-9
Joint municipal court, 5-1-10
Ordinance Regarding Municipal Court,
Organization of, 5-1-1
Personnel records, 5-1-6
Policies and procedures, 5-1-5
Police lines
Crossing of, 11-2-12
Pollution abatement
Clean-up of wastes, 8-2-1
Storage of polluting substances, 8-2-2
Prairie lawns see natural lawns
President, village
Duties, 2-2-3
Election of, 2-2-3
Oath of office, 2-3-17
Powers, 2-2-3
Presiding officer of board, 2-2-13
Professional home offices
Regulation of. 13-1-72
Damaging, prohibition, 11-3-1, 11-3-5, 11-3-6
Public depositories
Designated, 3-1-7
Public records see records, public
Public works see streets and sidewalks
Radio-controlled airborne toys
Restrictions on park use, 12-1-2
Permit for, 15-1-9
Records, public
Access procedures, 3-3-5
Definitions, 3-3-1
Destruction of records, 3-3-7
Duty to maintain records, 3-3-2
Legal custodian(s), 3-3-3
Limitations or right to access, 3-3-6
Preservation through microfilm, 3-3-8
Public access to records, 3-3-4
Recreational vehicles see also all-terrain vehicles;
Storage and parking of, 13-1-94, 13-1-95
Recycling see refuse disposal
Refuse disposal
Low grade mixed paper recycling, 8-3-2
Recycling program, 8-3-1
Residential landlords
Fraud on prohibited, 11-3-12
Retail theft
Prohibited, 11-3-7
Review board see board of revies
Rodent control
Rodents, 8-1-9
Rollerskates, rollerblades and roller skis
Regulation of, 10-2-4
Satellite dishes
Regulation of, 13-1-130
School property
Unauthorized presence prohibited, 11-2-9
Sewer utility regulations and rates
See index at start of Title 9, Chapter 2
Shooting missiles
Prohibited, 11-2-1, 11-2-3
Sidewalks see streets and sidewalks
Signal receiving antennas
Regulation of, 13-1-130
Requirements for, 13-1-100 through 13-1-114
Site plans
When required, 13-1-174
Limitations on, 11-3-10
Tobacco use by juveniles, 11-5-9
Sidewalks, removal from, 6-2-7
Snowmobiles see also all-terrain vehicles
Accident reports, 10-3-7
Enforcement, 10-3-10
Penalties, 10-3-9
Snowmobile operations regulated, 10-3-4, 10-3-5,
Snowmobile routes, 10-3-8
State snowmobile laws adopted, 10-3-1, 10-3-2
Unattended vehicles, 10-3-3
Solicitors see transient merchants
Special assessment procedures
Procedures for levying, 3-2-1 through 3-2-13
Special assessment B bonds, 3-2-13
Special charges authorized, 3-2-11
Special charges
Authorized, 3-2-11
Storm sewers see subdivisions
Street numbering
System of, 6-2-13
Streets and sidewalks
Depositing snow and ice on streets, 6-2-7
Ditch obstruction, 6-2-12
Excavations and openings, 6-2-3, 6-2-4
Grades, 6-1-1, 6-1-2
Obstructions and encroachments, 6-2-5, 6-2-12,
Removal of rubbish and dirt, 6-2-1
Requests for improvements, 6-2-10
Sidewalk construction and repair, 6-2-2
Snow and ice removal, 6-2-7
Street numbers, 6-2-13
Street privilege permit, 6-2-6
Terrace areas, 6-2-8
Unlawful dumping on, 6-2-11
Vaults, 6-2-9
Street privilege permit
Issuance of, 6-2-6
Street use permits
Provisions regarding, 7-7-1
Subdivision regulation see also zoning
See index at start of Title 14, Chapter 1
Surplus property
Disposal of, 3-4-1
Swimming pools
Requirements for, 13-1-143
Tax assessor see assessor
Terrace areas
Responsibilities, 6-2-8
Theft see also retail theft
Prohibited, 11-3-11
Tobacco products
Smoking in village buildings, 11-3-10
Use by juveniles, 11-5-9
Tractors and road machinery
Storage of, 10-5-8, 13-1-95
Traffic and parking see also abandoned and junked
Accident reports, 10-1-7
Angle parking, 10-1-26
Blue warning lights on police vehicles, 10-1-6
Disturbing peace with vehicle, 10-1-40
Driving over curbing, 10-1-44
Enforcement. 10-1-51
Heavy traffic routes, 10-1-11
In operable, wrecked or discarded vehicles, 10-1-32
Leaving keys in vehicle, 10-1-24
Motor vehicles on pedestrian ways, 10-1-42
Motorized vehicles on trails, 10-2-42
Official traffic control devices, 10-1-3
One-way streets, 10-1-14
Operation in public parking lots, 10-1-30
Operators to obey traffic control devices, 10-1-10
Parking prohibited, 10-1-20, 10-1-21, 10-1-22,
Parking reserved for persons with disabilities, 10-1-23
Parking vehicles to display for sale, 10-1-22
Pedestrian regulations, 10-1-41
Penalties, 10-1-50
Registration record of vehicle as evidence, 10-1-4
Removal of illegally parked vehicles, 10-1-31
School bus warning lights, 10-1-5
School crossing guards, 10-1-43
School district grounds traffic and parking regulations,
Speed limits, 10-1-12
State administrative code provisions adopted, 10-1-2
State traffic laws adopted, 10-1-1
Through streets, 10-1-13
Truck parking, 10-1-28
Unattended motorized machinery, 10-1-25
Unlawful removal of citations, 10-1-29
Unnecessary acceleration of vehicles, 10-1-40
Winter parking regulations, 10-1-27
Traffic visibility
At corners, 13-1-90
Transient merchants
Appeals, 7-4-6
Definitions, 7-4-2
Exemptions, 7-4-3
Investigation, 7-4-5
Records, 7-4-8
Registration, 7-4-1, 7-4-4
Regulation of, 7-4-7
Revocation of registrtation, 7-4-9
On municipal property, 7-1-20
Treasurer see village treasurer
Abatement of tree disease nuisances, 6-4-5
Adoption of state statutes, 6-4-12
Appeal from orders, 6-4-11
Assessment of costs, 6-4-6
Authority of village forester to enter private property,
6-4-3, 6-4-4
Definitions, 6-4-2
Interference with village forester, 6-4-4
Obstruction of intersection or sign view, 6-4-9
In public places, 11-2-8(b)
Utilities commission
Appointment and duties, 2-4-4
Utilities, public see water utility regulations and rates;
sewer utility regulations and rates; electric utility
regulations and rates
Variances, zoning
Procedures for, 13-1-193
Limits on, 6-2-9
Village attorney
Appointment and duties, 2-3-6
Village board see also president
Committees of the board, 2-2-4
Composition, 2-2-1, 2-2-2
Cooperative arrangements with other municipalities,
Amendment of rules, 2-2-20
Internal powers of board, 2-2-7
Introduction of business, 2-2-15
Location, 2-2-9
Open meetings, 2-2-11
Order of business, 2-2-14
Ordinances, introduction of, 2-2-15
Presiding officer, 2-2-3, 2-2-13
Quorum, 2-2-12
Regular, 2-2-9
Robert's Rules of Order governs, 2-2-17
Rules of procedure, 2-2-17
Special, 2-2-10
Suspension of rules, 2-2-21
Powers, 2-2-5
Powers of village vested in, 2-2-1
Compensation, 2-2-8
Election of, 2-2-2
Number of, 2-2-2
Oath of office, 2-3-15
Removal of, 2-3-17
Term of office, 2-2-2
Vacancies in office of, temporary or permanent,
filling of, 2-3-14
Village clerk; see also deputy clerk
Appointment and duties, 2-3-3
Village treasurer
Appointment and duties, 2-3-4
Vision clearance
At intersections, 13-1-90
Water utility regulations and rates
See index at start of Title 9, Chapter 1 and cable
franchise agreements
Powers of village board, 2-2-5
Carrying concealed weapons prohibited, 11-2-1,
Transporting of, 11-2-3
Weapons on public establishments, 11-2-2(b)
Weed commissioner
Appointment and duties, 2-3-9
Weeds and grasses
Regulation of length, 8-1-4, 8-1-5, 8-1-6
Well abandonment
Procedures, 9-1-55
Wine see alcoholic beverages
Zoning see also zoning, floodplain; zoning, shoreland-
wetland; annexing, wellhead protection
See index at start of Title 13, Chapter 1
Zoning board of appeals see also zoning
Composition and powers, 2-4-2
Procedures for appeals and variances, 13-1-190
through 13-1-194
Zoning districts
Regulations in, 13-1-40 through 13-1-49
Zoning, floodplain
See index at start of Title 13, Chapter 2
Zoning, shoreland-wetland
See index at start of Title 13, Chapter 3