Welcome to LA FARGE, WI
a Kickapoo River town

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Public Budget Hearing and Special Board Meeting
Thursday, November 30, 2023
1). President Frank Quinn called the Public Budget Hearing of the La Farge Village Board to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Emergency Services building.
Roll Call - Present at the meeting:
Board Members: Frank Quinn, Barbara Melvin, Aaron Appleman, Karen Leis, Terry Jensen, and Dave Fish. Absent was Aaron Nemec.
Also present: News reporter Lonnie Muller, Public Works Manager Wayne Haugrud, Utility Clerk Greg Lawton, and Clerk Kimberly Walker.
2). Verification was given of meeting posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on 11-28-2023 and of publishing in the La Farge Episcope on 11-14-2023.
3). Public Hearing open. The board waited five minutes. No one from the public showed to oppose the 2024 proposed budget.
4). Closed the hearing at 6:05 p.m. and immediately began the special meeting. Jensen moved, Melvin seconded to adopt the 2024 proposed village budget. (Carried).
5). The Street committee met before this meeting and recommended a rate increase in both the water and sewer. Greg reviewed the water increase first. He explained the two types of increases, for a simplified or conventional. We did the simplified last year for 4.5% and looking at this again for 2024, at an increase of 8%, set by the PSC. Our last full rate case was in 2014. The estimated impact on customers was reviewed and will be published in the Episcope next week. Then it’s submitted to the PSC and takes about a month to hear back to implement this. The date to go into effect is 2-1-2024, pending PSC approval. Jensen moved, Leis seconded to approve the 8% increase for water, effective 2-1-24. (Carried).
**Greg reviewed the sewer increase. A few years back, the auditors gave us a 4-year plan. This is step 4. The previous 3 years were based on a base rate increase and volume increase. Year 4 has no increase in the base rate and just a volume rate of 4%. The auditors were still good with this. This is also effective 2-1-24. Next year, look at mirroring what we do with water for an increase. The sewer is not regulated by the PSC. The utilities also have an electric rate case out there now. This is conventional and is currently being worked on by the auditors. Melvin moved, Fish seconded to approve the sewer increase. (Carried).
6). Received an original alcohol beverage license application from Jams 2 LLP. Reinald and Chastity Gardner are buying Bergum’s Food Mart, to be effective December 4th. If the board agrees to grant the license, Brad Bergum will need to relinquish his current license, which he has written a letter stating he would do. Fish moved, Leis seconded to approve the alcohol beverage license application. (Carried).
7). Jensen moved, Appleman seconded to approve an operator license for Chastity Gardner. (Carried). She completed the Responsible Vendor Training program on 11-16-2023.
8). Jensen moved, Leis seconded to approve the bid of $5,575 for the 2000 Chevrolet Silverado Pickup from the Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction. (Carried).
9). Jensen moved, Appleman seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 6:16 p.m.
Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer