Welcome to LA FARGE, WI
a Kickapoo River town

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Main Street Planning Project
posted in July 2020
The Main Street Planning project was sponsored through a CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) public facilities grant. Vierbicher was the company chosen to take us through the process. Community input was received during several meetings. The last 2 meetings were cancelled due to the “stay at home” recommendations with Covid-19.
The planning project was completed 5/11/2020. The complete plan as submitted by Vierbicher can be found in the PDF file below. It lists priority items that can be done soon as well as ideas for the future.
Included in the plan is the area of Main Street between Mill and Maple Streets. The area could be extended to Cherry St. if additional grants or TIF funds are available. The recommendations included:
Reconstruction of street and streetscapes
50’ wide streets curb to curb with bike lanes and sidewalks
Decorative concrete behind curb and crosswalks at intersections
Bike racks and street furniture
Decorative street lights
Reconstruction of infrastructure
Replace sewer main, manholes and laterals
Replace water main, hydrants and services
Replace storm sewer
Assist with relocation of electrical substation
Main Street Planning document from Vierbicher.
Main Street Planning Committee
On August 21, 2020, we received word that La Farge has been awarded the $1 million grant for improvements on Main Street.
Currently, work has begun with our main contractor, Delta 3 surveying and checking the depth of the sewer lines along Main Street. The planning and designing is still being completed.
with the physical work to the street expected to begin in April 2021 and completing some time later that year. Meetings have also been held to coordinate this work with a DOT repaving project for Hwy. 82 in 2025.
The committee members working on the project include: Reggie Nelson, Deb Nelson, Maggie Becker, Nick Burnard and Kathy Appleman.
Main Street Improvements Project
posted July 2020
This project began on June 25, 2020 with the application for another CDBG public facility grant. The intention is to complete the work that was recommended during the planning phase. The grant is for $1 million. The total project is expected to cost $1.8 million. Additional moneys would be available from TIF funds and the possibility of other grants.
In August, we expect to hear back from CDBG if the grant request has been accepted. Then work begins to request proposals from vendors interested in doing the work, review the proposals, select a vendor, sign contracts, work on timelines and plans, etc., etc.
Expectations are that the project would begin in April of 2021 and be completed by the end of that year.