Welcome to LA FARGE, WI
a Kickapoo River town

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he Economic Flood Recovery Committee completed its work enabled by a planning grant from the EDA.
The 3rd Public Meeting was held on Monday, February 8th. The plan was reviewed, discussed and questions answered by leaders of the project - Vierbichers. A draft copy of the plan is included below. An addition to the draft was information (that will be included in the final plan) regarding a solar field within the village. That work had been done several years ago, but committee members felt it was important to include.
It was emphasized that the entire plan is something that will extend out for years. Completion of the projects will depend on priorities and funding opportunities.
The main points of the document are
1. Floodproofing and redevelopment concepts,
2. Resettlement sites and concept plans,
3. Flood mitigation infrastructure,
4. Other infrastructure projects,
5. An overview of funding strategies and implementation plan.
The PDF file is the FINAL document. Lots of good information.
posted October 17
The Economic Flood Recovery Committee has been formed to work on the planning grant from the EDA (Economic Development Administration). Members of that committee include: Brad Stenimetz, Barb Melvin, Kris Gabrielson, Dean Steinmetz and Greg Lawton. Information gathered from previously held meetings is currently being reviewed and discussed.
The first public meeting was held on October 29th. An outline of the meeting can be found in the PDF document below. The maps are small and difficult to see, but there are large maps for viewing at the village hall.
(Good information)
All residents are invited to attend the 2nd meeting for additional information on December 9th at the Emergency Services Building - 6:00. Notes for the 2nd meeting are located on the HOME page.
Economic Flood Recovery Project
posted July 2020
Watch this space for information as it becomes available regarding the EDA (Economic Development Administration) flood recovery grant. The grant is shared among the villages of La Farge, Ontario, Viola and Readstown. La Farge’s main concern is planning for the relocation of the electrical substation and the possibility of additional facilities/homes. The process is just beginning with a contract signed with Vierbicher as the consultant on June 22, 2020. The Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission will be assisting the villages in the process.