Welcome to LA FARGE, WI
a Kickapoo River town

Click on the above icon to make online utility payments.
Village Information
Utility information, hookups and disconnects, or changes to information, call Greg Lawton at 608-625-2333 or email lafutil@mwt.net - Application for electrical service form - click on the Word icon to the right.
Electrical, water, public fire, and sewer service rates and charges - click on the icon to the right - water/sewer increase effective 2/1/25.
Garbage / Recycle
Garbage Tags - $2.50 each
​Recycle days are the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month. If a holiday falls on that day, pickup will be the following day. For schedule click PDF icon on right.
To see a list of acceptable materials, click on the Word file to the right.
To recycle furniture, appliances, car batteries, fixtures, mattresses, tires, etc. call the Village Hall at 608-625-4422 to schedule a pick up and arrange for payment.
Dumpsters - $40. Rentals are Monday through Thursday or Thursday through Monday. Call the Village Hall to reserve yours. 608-625-4422 or email vlglaf@mwt.net
Yard waste pickup
Services begin in spring and last until late fall
Pickup is weekly - Thursday mornings
Leaves need to be bagged or in some kind of container.​
Old or unwanted prescription drugs can be taken to the Village Hall for disposal.
For building permit information, zoning or set back questions, call Wayne Haugrud 608-606-3872. Click PDF to the right for permit application.
Community Center or park shelter information questions or reservations, call Kim Walker at 608-625-4422 or vlglaf@mwt.net